It's been a busy Spring around Mountain T.O.P. So far we've had 3 HUGE weeks of spring breakout campers. God has really provided an increase in participation and we are so thankful. And though it's busy and big, we always have room for some quality time with our Directors. This past weekend, all 5 of them - Amelia, Michael, Emily, Olivia and Matt - joined us at Camp Cumberland Pines.
Director's Weekend is a time to form a new team. To affirm our callings and challenge ourselves to live up to them. To share and listen. This weekend, we took spiritual inventories, talked about spiritual leadership, shared our faith journeys, focused on God's love, arose with daybreak, paused for Sabbath, hung out at Ed and Glynn's house, prayed "thy will be done" as we walked around camp, mulled over the power of the Holy Spirit, talked about keeping the vision, cried, laughed, and relished in good company.
Daybreak |
Amelia praying over the AIM space |
Your mercies are new each morning. |
"Everything comes down to actually loving God with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength and to making foremost in our plans those activities that will meet the active grace of God to let that love be our life."
- Dallas Willard