You're probably wondering what this Big Payback business is all about. Even though it sounds like the name of a cheap mobster movie, it is in fact something much much better. Hard to believe, I know.
If you missed our last post on the subject you can click here to get yourself all caught up on what this is all about, or read the quick recap below.
The Big Payback
- May 6th, 2014 from 6am-6pm (Central Time)
- Day of fundraising for Middle Tennessee nonprofits
- There are bonus prizes for nonprofits that get to first place on leader boards throughout the day. Which means by giving during a certain time period, your gift can multiply for Mountain T.O.P. Mind. Blown. I know.
- Give a gift during 9am - 12 noon (Central Time) to help MTOP win these awesome prizes to help us further the ministry
Ok...everybody all caught up? Awesome!
Now let't talk a little more about where the gifts from the Big Payback are going.
Meet Sherry Hinerman
Sherry has lived in Grundy, Co since the mid 80s when she moved here with her husband and children. She worked for over 20 years at a local retirement facility in various roles.
Mountain T.O.P. First started working with her this fall during the 5 weeks of A.I.M. I think it is safe to say that everyone that has met her since then would comment on her pleasant nature and quick wit.
Since beginning the project in the fall different volunteers that had the opportunity to work on her house have committed to helping her raise funds to restore different parts of her house so that she can have a safe environment for her, her sweet puppy, family, and neighbors to enjoy each other's company.
CHECK OUT THE VIDEO to see an interview with Sherry!