April 21, 2011

Working with your Palms

Last Thursday, Roger Brown (youth pastor at the FUMC in McMinnville, TN) and I had the privilege of speaking on WCPI 91.3.  Bill Zeckmann (a state farm agent, church of christ attendee and volunteer radio manager) reached out to Roger to bring Mountain T.O.P. into the station.

Are blurry pictures better than no pictures?
I wasn't exactly sure how being on the radio would go over (first timer, here), but as soon as we started talking it was fun! (I shouldn't admit it, but I didn't even know what radio station it was until I got down there...I assumed it was one of the country stations ...whoops!) The radio station reminded me of a local NPR. We had a 25 minute dialogue that went by really fast.  I did expect to talk about Mountain T.O.P. and all of our programs, but I didn't expect to get into some meaningful conversation about poverty in America and Jesus' call on our hearts to work for His kingdom.

One statement that has stuck with me came from Bill.  He said, "As you know, the workers are few.  How difficult does that make ministry?"  I think Roger answered very well in saying that one person can make a difference.  It can be discouraging when you need people and they can't commit, but I think it's how you choose to look at it.  Maybe the difference is small or local, seems insignificant or doesn't immediately produce fruit .. sometimes the workers are few, sometimes they're abundant.  Nonetheless, we are advancing the kingdom.  One step at a time, one day at a time, one porch at a time, one conversation at a time.

Saturday, I traveled to Hampton, GA to speak at two churches Sunday morning.  Michelle Rawdin, a former YSM camper, is the pastor of LoveJoy UMC and Mt. Carmel UMC.  The two congregations work together and several members are already signed up for the AIM Summer Weekend!  At LoveJoy, I spoke to 10-12 attendees, only a few of which are capable of coming to the mountain.  One man signed up after the service and one woman gave me $50 with a note that read, "Please use this for a small child."  (by the way... $50 = 2 scholarships for kids who can't afford to come to one of our children's programs.)

At the next service, I got to show our Home Depot submission and speak about the upcoming trip!  Afterwards, we shared lunch together and discussed more details. By the end of that meeting, we had 2 more signed up!  One thing that stuck with me from that church service was actually Michelle's children's lesson.  She talked about the palms we brought to church that morning.. the branches, but also our hands!  Her point was that we can serve Jesus everyday with the palms He's given us.

And as an added bonus, my mom got to meet me ...

For those of you who don't think you have much to offer towards home repair, she's proof that you can make it!  Willing hearts... good knees... maybe strong backs? .. that's all we need.

Needless to say, it was a great week for the recruiting and public awareness department :)

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