July 20, 2011

How we measure success...

  • By the privileged we have of worshiping together daily in our camps and weekly within the counties we serve.
  • By the stories of restoration we hear during sharing and around the dinner tables.
  • By realizing that different doesn't mean wrong, but shows the beautiful, all encompassing bounty of God's creation.
  • By a child asking if she can live at camp.
  • By the way churches, who have never met, take care of each other in extravagant ways.
  • By the examples of servants who daily struggle through heat, exhaustion, conflict, and unsettling circumstances.
  • By the way children now know that prayer is something you do every morning before you start your day's work and every evening after you've finished, no matter how good or bad you feel.
  • By the fact that tie-dying or catching fire flies in the field never gets old.
  • By dreaming what a "life changing experience" and "it's been a great week" can do in the valley below.
  • By our ability to accept feedback gracefully, and do something about it.
  • By offering a space for people to experience God, and then being able to step back and let it happen.
  • By grieving over death and tragedy with the people we serve, and then being able to answer them with hope.
  • By not having to say anything and still knowing we've said alot by our actions.

July 17, 2011

What the churches have to say ...

Check out footage of a YSM Week captured by Christ Church Cathedral in Cincinnati!

July 4, 2011

Jesse's Day Camp Experience

Jesse Lee Hargrave is from Winchester, IN and attended Day Camp during Week 3 at Camp Cumberland Pines.  Here's her story...

Today I was thinking about all the good memories of Mountain TOP while looking through my friends pictures, and I couldn't help but miss all of them terribly.  Especially all of the 6-11 year olds who stole my heart the first day.  So i kept tagging myself andsaving picture to my computer and there were some that I wanted to put on my profile, but not enough to put together in a whole album.  So for some reason I added a picture of me and Jalie on our last day together at day camp under my album inspiring picutures.  But what is more inspiring than all of the youth I met at day camp and at Mountain TOP.  We all had this light to us that glowed so bright that God HAD to of seen our hearts shining.  During that week at mountain TOP, these kids gave me the idea of God's love.  They eachloved me the second we made eye contact and ran up to me asking if we could play before knowing my name.  Does God really need an introduction from us?  Does he want us to walk up to Him and say," Hey God I'm Jesse and I wanted to know if you could come hang out with me and talk to me sometimes."  He wants us to stop whatever we were doing, see Him, and run with open arms ready to build a strong relationship with Him.  Another thing I learned was how much he loved us.  A couple weeks before Mountain TOP I went to my own church camp where I sort of got the idea of how God loved me even though I am not perfect.  But I could not view myself as a perfect creation. With each time I saw myself, I could not help but walk from the mirror thinking I was a mistake.  But the truth is.  God doesn't even have a glimpse of mistake in His mind.  He sees a future in me.  And He wants me to walk along side me the whole way.  I thank Mountain TOP for all they are doing, but most of all, I want to thank Sarah, Jessie, Bryson, Jaden, Braden, Jalie, Whitney, Evan, Josh, Lucus, Kaitlynn, Elizabeth, and everyone else that was involved with Day Camp.  You have truely changed my way of thinking.  And you are always in my prayers.

Lots Love,
Jesse Lee Hargrave