October 27, 2011

Stay Salty . . .

In Matthew 5:13 Jesus says, "You are the SALT of the earth". Jesus doesn't mean the salt that's in your salt shaker or the salt that keeps your car on an icy road. During the time when Jesus was preaching the Sermon on the Mount salt was highly regarded. The Roman government would even pay the Roman army with salt (that's where our term SALARY came from). Romans were even able to pay the very oppressive taxes with salt. So for Jesus to call us "the SALT of the earth" in essence means "You're important. You matter. You're valuable."

You ARE the SALT of the earth - that does not say "you are the salt of the earth if you do this, or read this, or do this work, or help this person" Jesus said, "You ARE the salt of the earth". There's nothing you can do to make yourself more salty than you already are. But the rest of this verse goes on to say that salt can lose it's saltiness. What are ways that we as Christians can lose our saltiness? Doubt, technology, commercialism, consumerism, guilt, "I'm not good enough" thoughts? Jesus doesn't want us to lose our saltiness. He wants us to be able to be used by him. Did you know that the salt industry claims that salt has 14,000 uses!!! Can you imagine how many uses we can have if we are willing to have God use us??? Me neither!

No matter where we are, on the mountain or in the valley, God will use us if we're just willing!

So let's go out there and STAY SALTY!

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