Slocomb Reed and Lexi Romine |
First, we were impressed by Mountain T.O.P.’s efforts to meet the physical, social, emotional and spiritual needs of everyone whom they serve. Personally, the most profound experience I had was spending an entire day playing baseball with elementary-aged kids while other members of our YRG team repaired a couple staircases for their parents and grandparents. They entire neighborhood got out on their porches to watch us; a simple game of baseball united the neighborhood. Afterwards, the grandmother of a couple of the kids stopped us to let us know that the kids spend all summer excited to play with the Mountain T.O.P. people who come to serve them (physically, spiritually, emotionally and socially!) and afterwards, spend the rest of the summer talking about how much fun they had with the Mountain T.O.P. kids.
Second, as the brand-new youth director with Christ Church, I most appreciated the opportunity to sit back and observe as the Mountain T.O.P. staff ministered with my youth group. It was the first time that most of my Christ Church Cathedral kids ever experienced contemporary, conversational or experiential worship! And they loved it! Towards the end of the week my youth group, my fourteen- to sixteen-year old kids, came to me telling me that they were spiritually hungry! They were spiritually hungry, and they were experiencing worship that filled them, there on the mountain.
Since last summer we have worked here in Cincinnati to create experiential, conversational and contemporary-style worship opportunities for our youth group. They are now more engaged in our parish community than they have been for years."
What a great story! :)