June 17, 2012

AIM Week 1: Kaleidoscope Celebration!

What an incredible first week of AIM!!! We are so grateful for all the adults who participated in Major Home Repair and Kaleidoscope. Of the 27 adults, 16 did Kaleidoscope and 11 did Major Home Repair. In case you aren't aware, Kaleidoscope is a visual and performing arts day camp for children ages 6-11 with special needs or an interest in the arts. This year, we had 5 workshops (Under the Sea, Drama, Watercolor Art, Culinary Art and Horse Therapy) all led by new workshop leaders!!! Workshops are formed based on the skills and hobbies of adults who volunteer to lead them. They, along with the other KAL adult participants, act as caregivers for the children. We aim for a 1:1 ratio and this year we had 27 children in the program!

On fridays, we invite the families to lunch at Pines and host a celebration of the week! The children display/show what they have learned for their families. It is incredible.

Also, because of a HUGE donation of snack bags from a new GA church and their local school, each child took home a healthy snack bag every day of the week! On fridays, they are also given a MTOP backpack with a 2012 theme t-shirt!

Check out some photos and videos from the celebration:

Drama workshop! One little cow!

Picking up backpacks!


The children singing!

The MTOP song at celebration!

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