March 27, 2012

Director's Weekend!

It's been a busy Spring around Mountain T.O.P. So far we've had 3 HUGE weeks of spring breakout campers. God has really provided an increase in participation and we are so thankful. And though it's busy and big, we always have room for some quality time with our Directors. This past weekend, all 5 of them - Amelia, Michael, Emily, Olivia and Matt - joined us at Camp Cumberland Pines.

Director's Weekend is a time to form a new team. To affirm our callings and challenge ourselves to live up to them. To share and listen. This weekend, we took spiritual inventories, talked about spiritual leadership, shared our faith journeys, focused on God's love, arose with daybreak, paused for Sabbath, hung out at Ed and Glynn's house, prayed "thy will be done" as we walked around camp, mulled over the power of the Holy Spirit, talked about keeping the vision, cried, laughed, and relished in good company.

Amelia praying over the AIM space
Your mercies are new each morning.

"Everything comes down to actually loving God with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength and to making foremost in our plans those activities that will meet the active grace of God to let that love be our life."

- Dallas Willard

March 22, 2012

Spring Breakout - H2O

Here's some pictures from this week. We have 51 campers in from The Ohio State University and University of Cincinnati - all from H2O.

March 17, 2012

Spring Breakout Continues

Thank you to
University of Georgia Athens Presbyterian Student Center
University of Georgia Athens Christian Campus Fellowship,
Pace Campus Ministry VCU - Virginia,
Mount Mary College - Wiscon
Floral Heights UMC - Texas,
Greensboro College - North Carolina!

Here's a picture of our entire group of 73 people! Thank you for spending your spring break in the mountains of Tennessee.

March 7, 2012

Friends to Breakout...

The camp improvements continue! ...

Worship Center

YSM Boys Cabins

YSM Boys Cabins

New doors on Peg's Cabin!

Wall in DH!

New doors in meeting side!

Wall closed off ... Summer Staff art up!

March 6, 2012

2012 Mountain T.OP. Summer Staff

Youth Summer Ministry Summer Staff!!!

Director -
Olivia Evans
Matt Harrison
Emily Hurst
Michael Reed

Program Manager -
Kristin Griswold
Melanie Pozuc
Carly Warner
Kendall Wolfe

Field Manager -
Ben Aastuen
Nick Beegle
Hannah Brock
Kevin Parsley

Day Camp Manager -
Amber Whittle

Day Camp Ministry Coordinator -
Kelly Harmon

Service Project Ministry Coordinator -
Robyn Alderson
Victoria Beall
Joey Beeler
Curtis Bowery
Courtney Busby
McKenzie Carlson
Eric DeRome
Luric Duncan
Thomas Hall
Byron Head
Savannah Leggett
Shellee Merryman
BJ Pasinger
Brandi Patterson
Stacy Purcell
Charlie Smith
Jayke Thompson
Melissa Weidel

March 1, 2012

Friends Weekend: Wednesday & Thursday

Here are some pictures from last night and the first full day of work!


Deeda, Brian, Mims and Sandy!

The Bob's!

Women's handicap shower in Friends Cabin

Women's bathroom in Friends Cabin! Thanks for the help, Smitty!

New Worship Center cover 

New Worship Center cover

Renovating the Boys Camper Cabins!

Kathy at work!

You might want to sleep here now :)

Thanks, Bob!

The whole team working hard!

Inside of one of the boys cabins!

Chad and Allison sound proofing the wall in the dining hall!