October 15, 2013

2013 Annual Giving Campaign

Executive Director Report
Dear Friends of Mountain TOP,

I love the fall! It is a season of remembrance, reflection and thanksgiving. For the ministry it is a time to look back and see just how powerful God has been in the lives of all connected with Mountain T.O.P. during the year. We still have a very active October with five Fall AIM Weekends and the Fall Festival. But the bottom line is we have already made a difference for God in the lives of those we serve, those who come to serve and those who support this ministry with their prayers, gifts & presence.

You see, something I have come to realize is just how much God uses this ministry to multiply every gift we are given. So many places celebrate the work they do, how efficient they are with their resources and how their bottom line grows. Few can say with confidence that financial gifts they give results in a four to five times return on investment because of volunteer labor and in-kind gifts with nothing left on the bottom line. (we are a non-profit after all) Every gift is fully utilized for the glory of God!

Because of our fundamental belief in partnership, we are able to leverage gifts received many times over the value of the gifts given. The result of this leverage is that gifts go so much further and are able to make a more significant impact on the lives of those we serve or on the projects we undertake.

I have included just a few of the many examples of transformation that takes place when you invest your resources in this ministry:

A Family - Renewing Hope
This fall, through AIM, we have been working with a woman in Tracy City. She is brand new to Mountain T.O.P. and to our type of ministry. Her house needed some major attention including a large hole in the roof, which resulted in the ceiling collapsing in several of the rooms. We partnered with a local church to provide materials for this project and last weekend was the first time a team had ever been to her house. When the team arrived Friday morning she was very uncertain and a bit leery about what was about to happen. But as the weekend progressed, she warmed up to the team and her trust in them grew. By Saturday afternoon she was talking and praying with the members of the team, amazed that there were folks in the world willing to give of themselves to help her. Through their works and stories, they shared their faith, not only transforming her house but also her faith in humanity.


A Child - Transforming Ministry
Each summer Mountain TOP hosts hundreds of children from our service area in our various day camp programs. A new program this summer took a dramatically different approach. We actually invited youth from churches in Grundy County to come to camp as YSM campers. We called the program "Neighbors Helping Neighbors" and the youth participated in a typical camp week at our Baker Mountain Camp. One of the youth came to camp not knowing what to expect at all, being used to receiving Mountain T.O.P. services instead of providing them. As with many of the youth, she came as a shy, hesitant young person without a clear direction but she left a strong, confident witness for Christ. In one short week she was transformed. Our hope is that future experiences will help her grow to the point that she will want to further serve her neighbors by being on summer staff.

Neighbors Helping Neighbors Staff and Campers
Neighbors Helping Neighbors YRG

A Facility - Creating Space
Our camps play a key role in the experience of those who come to serve. Besides meeting the basic needs of food and shelter, our camps provide an environment for our campers to come see, worship and talk to God. Many who come to camp say that in our space they are able to hear God more clearly. Some have even claimed they have heard the call to ministry at one of our camps. Funds and labor given by volunteers to the ministry allows us to build and transform spaces that invite campers to interact with God. One such space was the recent renovation of the Three Crosses Worship Center. This space has been transformed into an even more special place in our camp.

Three Crosses After

Three Crosses Before

These are just three examples of the many ways the financial gifts given to Mountain TOP are multiplied into transforming opportunities to share God's grace. We could fill pages and pages with stories and pictures of how your gifts have worked this year to transform lives for Christ but maybe the included infographic will provide a snapshot.

So it is from a place of sincere gratitude to Christ who sacrificed himself for me, who chose me for ministry, who called some of the most passionate, faithful servants to this ministry as staff and volunteers, that I come to you with this challenge: your financial help is needed to finish this year and to have this ministry meet all of its God-given goals. Our Annual Giving Campaign is how we hope to meet our goals and show our love and gratitude to Christ while accepting his call to do service.

Please consider making a generous gift to our Annual Giving Campaign. Our need is$75,000 before the end of the year to help finish the plan God had for us this year. These funds are part of our plan as a ministry each year because we believe in those who love and trust Mountain T.O.P. and their commitment to support this program. In this way we rely on God and the work he can do in your hearts to make this ministry function. Every gift received is important and every gift is a blessing.

Please also pray for this ministry and the Board & staff as we continue to seek God's will for Mountain TOP. On behalf of all of us who serve this ministry year-round, may God bless you and may His grace be with you as you discern how God is calling you to help.

Grace & Peace,


Ways To Give
  • We Love Cash!  It is the simplest way to give. You can write a check or even charge your gift to a credit card to build up those airline miles. Please contact Jen at (931) 692-3999 or visit our Razoo site http://www.razoo.com/story/2013-Annual-Giving-Fund 
  • Give a Gift of StockThe growth in the stock market has made giving appreciated stock even more attractive. A gift of long-term appreciated stock offers two tax savings: you can avoid capital gains tax on the stock and receive a deduction based on the current market value of the stock versus what you paid for it originally. Please contact Buddy Boyce for assistance at (615) 279-9917.
  • Donate your Car or Truck. Vehicles that cannot be used by the ministry can be sold or traded for vehicles that can be used. Ronnie Scissom, our gifted and talented mechanic, can work miracles. Please contact Buddy for assistance.
  • Honor a Friend or Relative.Give a gift in honor or memory of someone you love. We will recognize these gifts with a note to those you want recognized.
Click here to view an Infographic on the impact the Volunteers and Contributions had on this Summer's ministries.