October 31, 2012

Over 500 People!

Early estimates are in: over 500 people attended the Fall Festival last Saturday at Camp Cumberland Pines. One of the coolest things about the whole day is that it was, in part, funded by a grant from the Community Fund of the South Cumberland Plateau. This fund was set up and managed by people from the community. The Fall Festival was an event for the community funded by the community. That's exciting to think about! Enjoy these pics:

All of the Fall Festival pictures

October 18, 2012

AIM Weekends 1 & 2!

We're having a GREAT fall! We had 52 campers AIM weekend 1 and 50 campers AIM Weekend 2! We've been able to work with 8 families! Here are some pictures of what's been happening!

Dobbins MPT Weekend 1

King home Weekend 1

Friday worship at AIM Pavilion

Sissom MPT Weekend 2

Nolan MPT Weekend 2

Ashby - Beginning of Weekend 2

Ashby - End of Weekend 2!

October 3, 2012

The View From Here!


As you can see, Mountain T.O.P. is calm and empty on this last day before our first Fall A.I.M. Weekend.  On Thursday (that's tomorrow), we'll have 52 campers arriving to work on 8 families homes.  If you're coming to the mountain please drive safely.  We are very excited for you to arrive.  If you're not yet signed up for an A.I.M. weekend, there's still a place for you.

By the way, the Mountain T.O.P. Yard Sale is this weekend.  
Friday and Saturday 8-4pm at Camp Cumberland Pines.